Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First step

     I've taken this "first step" millions of times, it seems, throughout my life. Of course my story is a lot like many others'. I've been heavy all of my life, yada yada yada, never had good eating habits when I was growing up, yada yada yada, and I eat to deal with emotions. Oh yeah, plus I have terrible will power and I love food!
     So many cards stacked against me, and all I have to do is make the decision to stop it.  Why can't I "just do it" ? This question has been on my mind for a long time. Each time I get really motivated and excited to begin a "new, healthy lifestyle," only to eventually fall back into my old, familiar habits. I set myself up for failure. Or, I'll start a new diet, like Weight Watchers, and do really well for a few months, and then feel strong enough to do it on my own, and yep...I just go straight back to my bad habits.

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